The President, with the assistance of the Board and membership, shall direct and coordinate the activities of the Association; preside at all Association, Board, and Executive Committee meetings. With the Treasurer, the President also monitors expenditures of the Association’s funds; ensures that the Association adheres to the bylaws; serves as the principal spokesperson for the Association; the President is authorized to sign official documents, contracts, or correspondence necessary to carry out the business of the Association as approved by the Board or the membership; and perform such other duties and have such other authority as the Association may prescribe.
The Vice-President shall: serve as a member of the Association’s Board of Directors; share the duties and responsibilities of the President as the two of them may agree; in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of and have the authority of the President; assume the office of the President in the event of a vacancy in that office, until such time as a new President is elected; and perform such other duties and have such other authority as the President or the Board may delegate.
The Secretary shall: serve as a member of the Association’s Board of Directors; record and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee and the Association; distribute copies of the minutes of Board meetings to all Board members at least one week prior to the meeting at which they will be approved and disseminate approved minutes to the membership in a timely manner; maintain and preserve the corporate records of the Association; conduct correspondence for the Association as directed by the President or the Board; in the absence of a bylaws committee, gather and distribute proposed bylaws amendments in accordance with Article XIII; serve as a member of the Board of Directors; and perform such other duties and have such other authority as the Board or the President may delegate.
The Treasurer shall: serve as a member of the Association’s Board of Directors; check the post office box, Pay Pal, and all other means of funds transfer to collect all funds due the Association and deposit said funds in a federally insured banking institution approved by the Board; maintain and preserve the financial records of the Association; disburse Association funds according to the annual budget approved by the Board; submit financial statements at Board meetings, those statements to include itemized income and disbursements; prepare a draft budget for the coming year and present it to the Board no later than at the Board’s December meeting, and present the Board-approved budget for ratification by the membership at the annual meeting; monitor dues, income, donations, sponsorships, restricted income, loans and other fiscal matters as the need arises and make related recommendations to the Board; ensure that the Association adheres to the rules, regulations and filing requirements of local, state, and federal authorities; consulting with a CPA or like professional, as needed; perform such other duties and have such other authority as the Board or the President may delegate; and provide the Secretary and Registrar with all necessary information required to maintain the membership directory.
The Registrar shall: serve as a member of the Association’s Board of Directors; shall collect and receive all membership dues, new or renewal, for the Association; make a permanent record of all dues so received; transmit to the treasurer all funds so collected and received; maintain an up to date official membership roster of the Association; issue new membership cards or punch cards for renewing members (when available); ensure timely submission of a current copy of the membership roster to the Secretary; maintain an accurate written description of the procedures used in keeping membership records; make monthly reports to the Board of Directors on dues received, including the number of members paying in each month in each dues category.
The Parliamentarian shall: serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Association’s Board of Directors; ensure that Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised is followed at all meetings of the Board and of the Association. The Parliamentarian also shall ensure that meetings of the Board and the Association are run in a smooth and orderly manner and shall perform such other duties as may be required.